Accredited Coaches
Free Coaching Tools For Your Journey
Free Coaching Tools
Our collection of free coaching tools are designed to help you start your journey. Whether you're a client, life coach, executive coach, or business coach, these tools will provide you with the resources you need to deliver exceptional results.
Our free coaching tools include wheels, session sheets, goal-setting templates, and more. Each tool is carefully crafted to support your coaching practice and help you stay organised and focused. By using these tools, you can enhance your coaching effectiveness and provide your clients with a more structured and productive experience.
Explore our free coaching tools below and start incorporating them into your practice today. Whether you're looking to improve your session planning, track your clients' progress, or set clear and achievable goals, our tools will help you achieve your coaching objectives. Download and use these tools for free, and take your coaching practice to the next level.
Browse our free coaching tools

Wheel of Life
A tool to help identify issues to focus on for life coaching clients. Fill the wheel in between scores 1 - not satisfied (inside) or 10 satisfied (outer ring).

Eisenhower Matrix for Task Prioritisation
Eisenhower Matrix for task prioritisation. An axis of urgency vs. importance. Assess your tasks according to the blocks.
Values Exercise And List
Your values are the foundation of what is truly important in life. This values exercise helps.